FAQ / Latest Changes...

Currently u cant register a channel
It is currently not possible to register a channel for normal users. I am working on a new system for that. Info will be here when it is finished. i dont know when this will be. As paying customer for a commercial channel i do the registrations by hand. For Pricing info click here.

Hint 1:
You can not connect to any Server than irc.leahcim.com because of Java-Security. It does not allow connections to any IP than the one where the Applet resides.

Hint 2:
Do not type a @ in front of a User u want to message. If the Username in the Box is "@Leahcim" type /msg Leahcim yourmessage to message this Person.

Latest Changes...

Date Change
22.09.1998 Added query-windows to make private messaging easier. Open it by double clicking on the username u want to message in the userlist.
15.02.1998 Added the FontSize parameter. Choose your FonSize, default size is 12.
31.08.1997 Added the /WHOIS command. With /WHOIS [Username] u see who someone is.
30.08.1997 Added mIRC Color Input to the Applet. Enter Colors with |forecolor,backcolor.
Example: |0,10 Hello. The "|" key is mostly reachable with the Alt-Key.
29.08.1997 Added mIRC Color to the Applet (Display)
28.08.1997 Added new Buttons, a new TextArea and Floating to the Applet. The TextArea does not work right in Netscape
12.08.1997 Added the /ignore Command. Type /ignore username and u see no more messages from this Person. With /ignore username again Your "unignore" that Person.
11.08.1997 Added the /me Command. "/me thinks" gives "YourName thinks" in the Chat Area
11.08.1997 Added CTCP Version Reply (only interesting for not Applet Users)
11.08.1997 Added the /ping Command. "/ping OtherPerson" gives u the Delay of the Messages u send to that Person
11.08.1997 Added the /topic Command. "/topic newtopic" changes the scrolling Topic at the top of the Applet.
11.08.1997 Added the /wake Command. "/wake OtherPerson" gives a message in his Terminal and playes a Sound on his Computer.
11.08.1997 Added the /nick Command. "/nick newnick" changes your Name to newnick.
11.08.1997 Added the /opass Command. If u have a registered Channel type "/opass yourpassword" to get Operator Status.
